WMC T-shirts!
NOTICE : Unfortunately the window for ordering new t-shirts has now closed. Please stay tuned for future releases of club merchandise!
It is with great pride we can finally announce the WMC's 70th anniversary commemorative t-shirt!
All t-shirts are white print on Royal Blue in celebration of club colours - which will also help the rescue helicopters find you, unless you fall off a sea cliff... They are available in three brilliant styles, all designed by our talented Jonathan Will.
Each t-shirt will only set you back £10 + £2.50 for postage and packaging, or if you prefer to collect (Penn, Wolverhampton) then just leave a message in the 'Anything else' section of the order form at the bottom of this page. Check sizes below before ordering!
Just like the magazine - leave your details and we'll get back in touch to arrange payment!
Click here to see logos in more detail

Style One

Style Two

Style Three