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December update

During the club AGM, held at the beginning of this month, Eddie was appointed to help me keep the website up to date. He has done a Stirling job and below is a summary of what we’ve been up to this month.

Local area

Sunday 11/12/11

Andy Clarke and Tim Larrad spend a couple of hours at Wolves climbing wall preparing for their big plans in 2012

Sunday 18/12/11

Nick Rowe vectored on his bike a route from W-ton to Newport criss-crossing the A41 so as to keep to tracks and old railway routes. A hard day with a puncture for lunch!

The Yorkshire Dales

Saturday 17/12/11

Graham Nevett and Pete drive to Settle from where they cycle to and around Malham area. Dave, Julie, Bruce and Richard enjoy easy day walking across to Austwick but are delayed inevitably at the Gamecock Inn finally returning to Clapham via Thackerwaite Lane.

Sunday 18/12/11

Eddie and Bruce have afternoon at their dig (cave exploration) on the way up to Ingleborough and manage to extend the deepest section by a few more feet and provisionally make the newly found area safe. A little later Dave, Julie and Richard stop by the dig after Trow Gill and try to make contact with the diggers who are around seventy feet below ground. They wisely don’t attempt entry without protective clothing so carry on via Gaping Gill to Ingleborough summit. John and Sandra do a wide circumnavigation over Cromedale and head towards the ‘Erratics’, large boulders left when the Glaciers finally receded from this area, not too far from Austwick. All staying in the Dales say how bitterly cold it is high up and together with the wind removes any pleasantness usually found here. Temps well below zero.

Peak District

Sunday 18/12/11

Dave Wilkinson started from Flash which, at 1518 feet above sea level, is the highest village in the country and after passing children tobogganing on the lower slopes, found all ways on are not obvious. No paths to and along various ridges/summits are shown on map and Dave found it most convenient to make use of the many old miners routes;  tracks available in vaguely the right direction giving easier walking than the uneven cloddy grass. It is possible along Axe Ridge and around the four peaks to make good use of these. Stepping on snow patches disclosed a sharp surprises in the form of wet puddles beneath and as this occurred more than once in one particular area Dave complained the rest of the day about ‘squishy’ feet! Good job he was alone. In the past the locale has been famous for prize fights, fugitives hiding from the law on the moors and the village was gave the name ‘flashmoney’ since the area known for forging.

Let either myself or Eddie know what you have been up to.

It just remains to say Happy New year to all and we look forward to seeing you in 2012.

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We are a BMC-affiliated Club. Wolverhampton Mountaineering Club and The BMC recognise that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.

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