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Revised constitution, as adopted at the AGM on 9th December 2008

Including further revisions Dec 2009 (paras 5.4 & 5.5)


1. Name and Location

1.1 The name of the club will be the “Wolverhampton Mountaineering Club”.

1.2 The club will be based in Wolverhampton, but may also accept membership from outside the city boundaries.


2. Objects of the Club

To group together and provide companionship and organised events for people who are interested in mountains or mountaineering activities, to increase the mountaineering competency of members, and to foster the love of mountains and mountaineering as a recreational pursuit by introducing people to and encouraging them in the art.


3. Membership of the Club

3.1 Membership will be open to all adults who share the club’s objects, and who recognise that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a risk of injury or death and who accept these risks and agree to be responsible for their own actions and involvement.

3.2 Someone who comes under 3.1 and wishes to join the club will normally have to attend at least three of the club’s outdoor meets, after which their membership will be determined by the committee.

3.3 Members (other than honorary members) will be required to pay annual subscriptions to the treasurer, the amount being decided at the AGM.

3.4 A member or past member who has given outstanding service to the club may be elected to honorary membership by a general meeting. An honorary member is a member, and has all the rights of membership, but is not obliged to pay subscriptions.

3.5 Cessation of membership. 

(i) Resignation from the club may be submitted to the secretary, but any liabilities to the club must be settled first.

(ii) Any member found guilty of conduct prejudicial to the club may have their membership terminated by the committee. Such a person will have the right of appeal to a general meeting.

3.6 Members have the right to see the club’s constitution, rules, and the minutes of committee and general meetings.


4. Administration of the Club

4.1 The day to day running of the club will be entrusted to a committee consisting of the following officers:  A Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Meets Secretary, a New Members’ Secretary, and any other posts deemed necessary by the AGM. The other posts may include Indoor Meets Secretary, Hut Warden, Hut Booking Secretary, Magazine Editor, Web Manager, Liaison Officer.

4.2 The committee will be elected for one year at the AGM. Each post will be open to any member who has been proposed and seconded by two other members, and has given their agreement that they are prepared to stand for election, and attempt to fulfil the duties appropriate to the post. 

4.3 The committee may co-opt members as officers, to fill casual vacancies occurring during the year.

4.4 The committee will meet on dates to be determined and notified by the secretary. Four members will form a quorum.

4.5 Decisions made by the committee will be by a simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of a tie, the chairman will have a second or casting vote.

4.6 Committee decisions must not conflict with the club’s constitution, with any decision made by a general meeting, or with club rules, unless the decision is to change club rules. 

4.7 A club member not on the committee may, at the committee’s discretion, attend committee meetings as an observer, may contribute to the discussion with the committee’s approval, but may not vote.


5. General Meetings

5.1 An annual general meeting (AGM) will be held each year during the month of November or December, on a date to be fixed by the committee. The secretary will notify the members of the date, time, place and agenda, giving at least 21 days notice. 

5.2 An extraordinary general meeting (EGM) may be called at any time by the committee or one third of the membership requesting one to the secretary by email or writing.  The secretary will notify the members of the date, time, place and agenda of the EGM giving at least 14 days’ notice. The EGM must take place no later than 30 days after its request. Under no circumstances will an EGM discuss matters not on its agenda.

5.3 A general meeting may not make any decision which conflicts with the constitution, other than a change in the constitution under 10.1.  It may make one which conflicts with committee decision(s) or club rule(s), in which case the GM’s decision has precedence, and the committee will then be obliged to make rule change(s), if appropriate.

5.4 The quorum for any general meeting will be 25% of the membership, or 20 members, whichever is the smaller. Decisions, other than those coming under sections 9, 10.1 and 11.1, are passed at general meetings by a simple majority of members present and voting. In the event of a tie, the chairman will have a second or casting vote.

(revised Dec 2009).

5.5  In the event of a general meeting being inquorate, the meeting will continue, but any decisions      (including election of officers) made while the meeting is inquorate will be circulated to the membership within 7 days, and will only be provisional, until an EGM is called under para 5.2, within a further 30 days. Such an EGM, if quorate, would then be empowered to confirm or overrule decisions taken at the inquorate meeting. If no such EGM is called, the decisions of the inquorate meeting would then become final. If an EGM is called for this purpose, but is itself inquorate, then it may not continue, and the decisions taken at the original inquorate meeting then become final.

(revised Dec 2009)


6. Activities   

The Committee will arrange outdoor and indoor meets and may for this purpose co-opt members onto sub-committees. These activities are primarily for the benefit of members and prospective members, but guests of the club and of members may also participate, at the committee’s discretion. Any member inviting a guest(s) is responsible for every aspect of their guest(s)’ behaviour.


7. Environmental Policy   

7.1 While pursuing its objects, the club and its members will do so with an awareness of the need to maintain access, conservation and protection of the cliff and mountain environments. 

7.2 Care will also be taken, as far as is reasonable, to conserve resources and the general environment, in transit to and while staying near the crags and mountains.


8. Finances

8.1 The financial year will be from 1st November to 31st October each year. Accounts consisting of a receipts and payments account, and a balance sheet will be kept by the treasurer and presented to the committee on request. These accounts will be checked annually by an auditor, to be appointed by the committee, and then presented to the AGM.

8.2 The committee must control its expenditure to ensure that the club’s total bank balance does not reduce by more than 25% during any financial year, except with the permission of a general meeting.

8.3 The club is non profit-making, and no money or valuables will be distributed to any member(s).

8.4 No person is allowed to run any profit-making activity which makes use of the club, its property, or its name. 


9. Property  

For the furtherance of its objects, the club may acquire or hold interests in property. Such acquisition, or disposal, will be decided by the votes of two-thirds or more of the members present and voting at a general meeting.  For this purpose the club may raise loans under such conditions as a general meeting may decide. The property will vest in trustees appointed by the general meeting, but the members will share equally the burden of any liabilities which may accrue.


10. Constitution and Rules

10.1 This constitution may be changed by a general meeting with the proposed change(s) on its agenda. The notice calling such a meeting will specify the proposed changes. Such changes will only be passed with the votes of two thirds or more of the members present and voting. 

10.2 The committee is empowered to make rules from time to time, to facilitate the smooth running of the club, and the fulfilment of its objects. These rules must be consistent with the constitution and may expand on it. The rules may subsequently be amended by the committee. They may also be changed by a general meeting, whose decision will have precedence.

10.3 The club may form affiliations or associate/kindred status with other clubs or organisations.

         Any decision to make or cease such a relationship may only be made at a general meeting.


11. Dissolution of the Club

11.1 Dissolution of the club may be proposed by any two members of the committee who may arrange for an EGM or a postal ballot to be held. Three-quarters or more of the total membership voting against the further existence of the club shall cause its dissolution.

11.2 Any estate left after settling any liabilities will be given or transferred to some other non profit-making organisation(s), to be determined by the dissolution motion, having objects similar to those of the club.


End of Constitution



We are a BMC-affiliated Club. Wolverhampton Mountaineering Club and The BMC recognise that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.

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